Monday, December 24, 2012

A New Treat: Candied Pecans

I am not a "nut" lover.  In fact, most of the time I avoid anything with nuts on it or I pick off the nuts.  Some nuts, like peanuts and almonds, I do enjoy, but for the most part, nuts are not a favorite food.  So, when  nice couple at our church gave me a huge bag of pecans, I had no idea what I was going to do with them.  So, I started looking for recipes that used them and I came across a recipe from a couple years ago that a lady had given us at our former church.  She had given us a small bag of candied pecans, but I could not remember what they tasted like or whether or not I liked them.  The recipe looked simple, so I decided I would give them a try.  Well, not only were they very tasty, but I decided to make another batch because I liked them so much.  And, what's even better is that my husband liked them too!  So, with much thanks to Coco Briggs, I would like to share a new, easy, delicious recipe: Candied Pecans.

Candied Pecans Recipe:
2 egg whites
1 tablespoon combination of water and/or vanilla, to taste
1 pound pecan halves (or almonds or walnuts)
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon, to taste*

1. Grease a large baking sheet.  Set oven to 250 degrees F.
2. Whip egg whites and 1 tablespoon of water/vanilla combination until frothy.
3. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, salt, and cinnamon.
4. Add pecans to egg mixture, stirring to coat well.
5. Stir pecans into sugar mixture and toss to coat pecans. (This is most easily done by shaking the sugar and nuts in a gallon ziplock bag).
6. Spread in a single layer on baking sheet and bake 1 hour at 250 degrees F, stirring every 15 minutes.  After baking, stir and let cool before storing in an airtight container.

These are so yummy by themselves or they could be added to salads.

On the top of the recipe card, she says, "No one can eat just one" and I agree that it is quite true!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Journey to Motherhood

In just a little over a week, my sweet Nathan turns 1 year old.  It is hard to believe that we have already had the blessing of sharing a year with this little guy.  As I reflect over the past year, I am reminded of what a tremendous gift he is, especially in the midst of the Christmas season, where we celebrate the ultimate gift in our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I recently came across some words I had written in the fall of 2010 about lessons the Lord taught me as we waited for the gift of Nathan.  I thought I would share these words as I anticipate the celebration of Nathan's first birthday.

From the time I was a little girl I had expectations of where I would be and what I would be doing at this point in my life.  I dreamed of being married, being a teacher, having children, and being a stay at home mom.  I moved to Louisville thinking that I would only teach for a few years and then I would start having children.  I figured Michael would finish up seminary in about three years and then we would be headed off to serve in a church.  All these plans were my plans, my dreams, my hopes, my expectations.  The Lord's plans were not the same, however, and within the past three years has led me on a different journey than I had ever imagined.

For the past three years, we have been trying to have a baby.  During this time, my heart grew discontent as I watched numerous friends have children.  Yet, we were still in the same place, with no baby.  I began struggling with envy towards those who were able to have a baby with seemingly no trouble.  I began questioning why didn't I get to be a mom?  When was I going to have a chance to raise a family?  Why did we have to struggle and wait so long for a gift we so longed for?  All these questions led to discontentment and it became a battle to work through these thoughts and feelings.

After two years of trying to get pregnant, we were finally able to conceive.  Within a few weeks of finding out we were pregnant, I found out I had an ectopic/tubal pregnancy and that a procedure was going to have to be done immediately so as to not put my life at risk.  I struggled to understand why as we had waited this long and now the Lord had chosen to take this little one.  During this time, I clung to the words in James 1:2-3, which say, "Consider it all joy, brethren, whenever you face trials of various kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance."  I was able to find joy in the midst of struggle because of the faithful prayers of many and because of the comforting words found in Scripture.  I remember thinking back to the words of Tom Schreiner as he preached through James.  He said, "God uses trials to refine us, strengthen us, make our prayers more fervent, to reduce our pride and produce more humility, to reduce our self-sufficiency and increase our trust and reliance on Him."  He preached these words the day before we found out the baby was not going to live.  The life of my little one was in the Lord's hands and I began to realize more fully that the Lord is the one who gives life and that I was going to have to continue trusting and relying on His grace even when it was hard to understand and the tears were many. 

A few months later, the struggle seemed to grow again, so I decided to seek counsel from our pastor and his wife.  As I met and talked with them about my struggles and sin, I was reminded of several things.  First, I need to remember that my joy, happiness, and contentment are not found in the circumstances I find myself; rather, my contentment comes through my relationship with Christ and through the sacrifice he made for me on the cross.  I was encouraged during this time to be more open with my struggles with other people so they would know how to pray for me more specifically.  I was also encouraged to be a more active participant in the lives of women who were pregnant-to ask them questions, find out how things were going, and ask them how I could pray for them as they prepared to become mothers.  I realized that it is okay to be upset, but that there must also be a balance of finding joy for other people as they find out they are pregnant.  

Well, a few months later, the Lord took us on the most difficult part of the journey yet.  We found out we were expecting again.  I took several tests to make sure and then scheduled an appointment with the doctor.  We involved several people in the process as we we wanted them to be aware of how they could pray for us during these early days of waiting.  The initial blood work returned positive but we still remained uncertain at how things were progressing.  However, within a couple weeks, the mountain top of excitement and joy became a valley of despair as I miscarried twin babies.  I have never felt such a loss before and I have to confess that it is the most difficult thing I have ever dealt with.  As Jerry Bridges says in his book, Trusting God, "just as we learn to obey God one choice at a time, we must also learn to trust God one circumstance at a time.  Trusting God is not a matter of my feelings, but of my will.  We honor God by choosing to trust Him when we don't understand what He is doing or why He has allowed some adverse circumstance to occur."  To see my babies' heartbeats, to see the life the Lord created and to anticipate so greatly the life He had planned for them was an incredible experience, but in His sovereignty, he chose to take them and I wept for those little ones that I would never hold.  I was reminded of several truths in Scripture: Psalm 73:25-26 says, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."  Habakkuk 3:17-19 says, "Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.   God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places."  

I have reason to hope, to be strengthened, to be renewed.  The Lord has not forgotten me.  He still loves me.  He has seen fit to lead me through a difficult time with his grace and mercy to sustain me and teach me what it means to fully rely and trust in Him and not lose heart.  "Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.  For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."  There is something so much greater that awaits those of us who believe and hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is an ongoing battle to fight against the fleshly thoughts and feelings that arise.  The battle for contentment is going to continue for me.  I am not through it yet.  It is through prayer, friends and the words of Christ that point me back to the saving grace of the cross and remind me that I have been forgiven, saved, and redeemed.  I will not lose hope because the Lord has promised to be faithful and true and in that I can praise him and keep my eyes fixed and focused on him-the author and perfecter of my faith.  

*Look for a post soon to celebrate the first year of Nathan's life!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

God's Good Gifts-Part 5

“Gratitude is a lifestyle.  A hard-fought, grace-infused, biblical lifestyle.  And though there’s a sense in which anyone can be thankful-for God has extended His common grace to all-the true glory and the transforming power of gratitude are reserved for those who know and acknowledge the Giver of every good gift and who are recipients of His redeeming grace.” ~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

171.  Generous ladies who graciously invited us to their home for Thanksgiving dinner as we were not able to be with family this year. 

172. Watching Nathan's funny and confused looks as he decides whether or not to try a pumpkin pancake.

173. Generous and giving friends who bless us almost weekly by taking us out to lunch and paying for our meal.  
174.  A kind lady in our church who bought Nathan a lot of new clothes at exactly the time when he needed several in the exact size she bought.  The Lord always provides.  
175. The gift of staying at home with Nathan each day.
176. The anticipation of the advent season and the coming of Christ.
177. The opportunity to go see a Living Nativity to begin the advent season and the fun in watching Nathan clap his hands when Jesus rose from the grave.  
178.  The joy of watching Nathan play with his nativity set.  Our prayer is that he would fully understand the gift of Jesus Christ one day and the sacrifice he made on the cross for us.
179. A gentle dog who lets Nathan grab her mouth, paws, fur and lets him poke and prod her.  
180. A night out to enjoy a Christmas dinner with other local pastors and church members.
181. The opportunity to teach children about the birth of Jesus Christ.
182. The wisdom of doctors who know how to treat little ones when they are sick.
183.  The fun of planning Nathan's first birthday party, a true celebration of the Lord's kindness:)
184. Special crafts to remember Nathan's first Christmas-handprint and footprint salt dough ornaments, glass ornaments with a picture of Nathan inside and a baby's first Christmas ornament with a special picture.
185.  The Lord's grace in helping Michael finish another class towards his ThM in Biblical Counseling, one of the hardest ones yet.  
186.  A kind, servant-hearted sister who gave up a week of her winter vacation to come help me while Michael was in Louisville.

187. Holiday buy one get one free drink days at Starbucks-a yummy treat for me and my sister.
188. The fun of baking all kinds of delicious cookies.
189.  The blessing of giving to others and visiting with older members of our church.
190. The thoughtfulness of others in bringing us many yummy treats, including chocolate peanut butter balls, peanut butter fudge, cookies, and peppermint bark.
191.  Watching Nathan grow and develop into such a fun little toddler.
192.  Having Nathan start to hand me books to read him, while he sits on the floor and listens to me read and then telling him to go get another book and having him bring me one after another.
193.  The fun of watching Nathan open his advent books.  He started off by having us rip them open and then him looking through the book, to now wanting to rip them open by himself and eat the paper:)
194.  A date night with Michael at a nice restaurant and then a beautiful lights display.
195. A good friend who is willing to babysit for us.
196. Time to plan Christmas morning breakfast and dinner for my family.
197.  The anticipation of my family all being here to celebrate Christmas with us.
198.  New family traditions
199. A warm home to live in each day when the weather is freezing and windy.
200.  Delicious chili simmering in the crock pot.
201.  Cinnamon apple spice tea-a new favorite!
202. Christmas pictures
203. Time to fellowship with our church family by hosting a Christmas open house.
204. Getting Christmas cards in the mail.  It is so fun checking mail in December!
205. Christmas music to listen to.
206. Reminders of the joy, peace, hope and love that only come from Christ.
207. Strength for each new day.
208. Nights at home to hang out with Michael.
209. The gift of motherhood, something I am thankful for each day.
210. Experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child-touching and trying to taste the lights, holding and pulling the ornaments on the tree, playing with presents, pulling off the bows and tags on the gifts, pulling the pieces off the felt advent calendar, and eating the wrapping paper.  
211. Celebrating Christmas with my sweet boy!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Lifestyle of Gratitude

During the month of November, people everywhere seem to jump on the “bandwagon” of gratitude.  It has typically been labeled the month of thankfulness, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  However, as believers in Jesus Christ, we are commanded to live with thankful hearts each day.  Thankfulness is not just a once a day, thank you for the food, shelter and clothing, but an every moment, intentional mindset and lifestyle that continually dwells on the good gifts the Lord blesses us with each day.  

Praise and thanksgiving to God is shown all throughout Scripture. Psalm 118:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”  If you are a believer, the most amazing gift given to us that should drive us to thankfulness to our Lord each day is the gift of salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 2:4-5-But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved. The Lord chose us, while we were in sin, to be reconciled to himself through the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.  That alone should give us reason to praise every day!  We were once lost, but now we are found!  Every day is a new opportunity to dwell on the wonder of the cross and to be ever grateful that we were pulled from “the miry clay” and given the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

In order to cultivate a heart of gratitude we must first, dwell on the promises found in God’s word and let the Word penetrate our hearts.  Part of dwelling on God’s Word includes meditating on the Gospel. C.J. Mahaney, in his book, The Cross Centered Life, says, “If there’s anything in life we should be passionate about, it’s the Gospel.  And I don’t mean passionate only about sharing it with others; I mean passionate in thinking about the gospel, reflecting upon it, rejoicing in it, allowing it to color the way we look at the world and all of life.”

Secondly, we can focus on God’s gifts to each of us and God’s gifts from others. James 1:17 says- Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

In her book, Choosing Gratitude, Nancy Leigh DeMoss offers ways to practically infuse gratitude into our daily lives:
1.        Each day, reflect on 5 things/blessings in which you are grateful. 
2.       Sing or listen to hymns or songs of thanksgiving.
3.       Write notes to people you are thankful for, and be specific about   what you are thankful for in their lives.
4.       Be vocal to others about the things you are thankful for.
5.       Focus on the blessings instead of complaining or being negative.
6.       Meditate on verses that express praise to the Lord.

If we continually do these things, our mindset will begin to change and we will begin to notice the difference in our hearts and attitudes.

Cultivating a heart of gratitude has several results. First, we have closer fellowship with the Lord.  Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, “Gratitude places us in close proximity to Christ, where we experience the fullness of his redeeming power and enjoy the blessing of His presence.” Our walk with the Lord becomes sweeter and sweeter as learn to bask in his blessings and thank him for his unmerited grace and goodness to us.

Second, we become the fragrant aroma of Christ to everyone we meet.  Others will see the Gospel displayed in our lives when we exude a grateful spirit.  It gives us opportunities to share what Christ has done for us. 

Third, we experience joy.  A thankful person exudes a joyful spirit.  They understand the goodness of our God and the grace he has poured out on their lives.  Praise is always on the lips of a grateful person and they express praise to those around them.  Our joy in the Lord is expanded and multiplied when we daily dwell on his goodness and praise him for what he has done in our lives, what he has saved us from, and how he continually leads, guides, and directs our steps, offering his love freely and pouring out his grace constantly.
Fourth, we grow in contentment.  Jodi Ware says, “Our contentment comes from a heart captured by God’s grace.  Contentment is being satisfied in God, His character, His works, and His ways.”  If we strive to praise the Giver of all good things and realize that He is the one who provides, gives, and takes away, we will be a fountain of thankfulness and will be a person of contentment. 

Fifth, we develop an attitude of humility. Philippians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  In this passage, Paul exhorts us to consider the needs of others ahead of our own.  When we live in gratitude, we are focused on others.  We forget about ourselves and we look to how we can bless others and encourage those around us with the love of Christ.  Henry Ward Beecher says, “A humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow.” When we live in humility, remembering where we were before Christ rescued us, and reflecting on where we are now because of his grace and the cross of Jesus Christ, we exhibit a heart that pours out gratitude. 

Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, “...choosing gratitude means choosing joy.  But that choice doesn't come without effort and intentionality.  It's a choice that requires constantly renewing my mind with the truth of God's Word, setting my heart to savor God and His gifts, and disciplining my tongue to speak words that reflect His goodness and grace-until a grateful spirit becomes my reflexive response to all of life." Make a decision today to choose joy, to make it part of every moment of every day, not just a one month or one day out of the year tradition.  Remember the command the Lord gives us to be thankful.  Be the kind of person that continually offers praise,that shows gratitude to the Lord, the one who saves and gives us hope for each day. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 9, 2012

31 Things

As I celebrate my 31st birthday, I thought I would share 31 things about myself...I have seen some other friends do this on blogs and thought it was such a fun idea:)  

1. I love Chai tea.  It is my favorite drink to get at Starbucks.
2. I started playing soccer when I was 9 years old and played until I was 15. 
3. I have traveled to five continents and 9 countries-Brazil, Japan, China, Hungary, Czech Republic, Scotland, England, Australia, and Canada.  
4. I played clarinet from age 10 to age 23.  I still play periodically, but those were the years I was actively involved in lessons, ensembles, and marching band.
5. I was a drum major for my high school marching band.  That year our theme was Prince of Egypt.  We won all three of our competitions that year with that show.  The parting of the Red Sea was quite a display and God honoring.  
6. I was born in Orlando, Florida.
7. When I was young, I loved the color purple so much that I got the nickname, Porpor.  Purple is still my favorite color.
8. My dad is the only one who has a nickname for me-Shelwitt.  He called me it all growing up; however, he doesn't do it much anymore.
9. The first car I drove was an old, blue, Ford pickup truck.  It got me back and forth, but I do have to confess that I was embarrassed to drive it sometimes.  
10.  I love decorating-Lately, I have gotten a lot of inspiration from Pinterest.
 11. In 2006, I woke up one morning in a lot of pain, passed out and fell back into the sliding glass door.  Thankfully, I did not get hurt; however, after trying to help me to the bathroom, Michael said I passed out two more times.  Needless to say, an ambulance was called, I ended up in the emergency room where I waited hours until they discovered I had a ruptured cyst and was bleeding internally.  It took a week to fully recover, but thankfully, I was okay. 
12. One night, when I was by myself, Dr. Albert Mohler and Dan Dumas stopped by my Springdale apartment.  Dr. Mohler said he wanted to see who lived in the apartment that he and his wife, Mary, had lived in when they first started seminary at Southern.  It was definitely a memorable moment.
13.  When I was 8, my parents told me we were moving from Orlando to Fayetteville, GA.  I was so upset that I asked my dad if I could sing the song “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus” in church.  At this point, my family was leaving Aloma Baptist Church. It was my way of coping.  I ended up loving Fayetteville and ended up back in Orlando for college, a great example of God’s sovereignty.
14. On our 2nd anniversary, my husband surprised me with a trip to Niagara Falls, Canada. 
15.  During the summer of 2007, my husband and I lived in Manchester, New Hampshire so he could participate in a preaching internship in the New England area. 
16. I met my husband, Michael, through the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) in college.  Mutual friends said we should meet and talk because Michael had gone on a mission trip to Australia and I was about to go on the same trip the next year. 
17.  I participated in Bible Drill from the time I was in fourth grade until 9th grade.  
18.  I have walked on the Great Wall of China.
19.  I have gone on a river boat down the Amazon River and seen animals native to the Amazon.
20.  I have seen kangaroos in the wild.
21.  My favorite famous person right now is Mitt Romney.
22. When I was in Japan, I attended a buffet style dinner with Japanese students. I was so hungry that I started eating what I thought was chicken nuggets, but found out later, it was squid. Surprisingly, they were pretty good!
23.  I have tried octopus, but would not recommend it.  Too chewy!
24.  I have had the privilege of staying in the homes of Japanese people.  They were extremely hospitable, friendly and made us huge meals.  One morning for breakfast, I was served hot soup and raw salmon.
25.  I enjoy watching Fox and Friends in the mornings.
26. I have been snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. 
27. I love Jane Austen books and movies.  Pride and Prejudice is my favorite. 
28. During one BCM formal in college, Michael and I dressed up as The Crocodile Hunter and his wife.  Michael carried around a 6 foot blow up crocodile and wrestled it to the ground in front of the entire crowd.  Fun times!
29. On our first date, Michael and I ate Mexican at Maria Bonita’s, went on a walk around Lake Eola in Orlando, and watched Finding Nemo.
30. I worked at Dunkin Donuts during high school.  Lots of tasty treats and drinks!
31. Michael and I love watching Downton Abbey together!  We can’t wait for Season 3 to come out in January!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Interview with Grandad Owens-Part 4

Here is the final part of the interview with Grandad Owens:

10. What marriage advice can you give?
The Lord's work in our lives is what helped us sustain a long marriage.  Also, stay involved with other Christian couples and the church.  The church and the community with other Christian couples was binding in our marriage.  

11. What parenting advice can you give to us?
Get the Word into the lives of your kids.  The Word will never return void.  It will always accomplish what it was intended to do.  Stay involved in the Word-Scripture memory-memorizing new, reviewing old ones.  During my marriage, I heard Mae say over 500 verses by memory. 

12. Other reflections
Your grandmother spent 2 hours each morning in the Word and in prayer.  The Word is a strong influence in a person's life.  Find a tool to instill discipline and a work ethic to your kids.  Music was one training in our boys' lives that instilled discipline and a schedule.  

This concludes the final part of the interview I had with my Grandad.  I wish there had been more time to talk about other things, but I am grateful for the time I did have with him and the things I learned about his life and his relationship with the Lord.  I am thankful for the Lord's work in his life and my grandmother's life and the influence it has had in my parents' lives and in the lives of me and my siblings.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

God's Good Gifts-Part 4

"In all things, give thanks." I Thessalonians 5:18

130. Phone conversations with my sister.
131. Time to sit and dwell on God's promises in His Word.
132. Watching my sweet boy sleep so peacefully.

133. Sunshine after a cloudy, rainy morning.
134. A God who is sovereign even when things seem so out of control.
135. Hearing Nathan say "bye-bye" when Michael left today and he heard me say it:)
136. Wisdom and clarity as I plan a women's brunch on the topic of gratitude.
137. The opportunity to teach about God's commands in His Word to the kids in Sunday School.
138. Scripture as a means of grace in my life.
139.  God's grace, which is sufficient for each new day.
140. Hymns that praise the Lord, remind me of God's greatness, and remind me of the Gospel-In Christ Alone, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Be Thou My Vision, How Great Thou Art, It is Well with My Soul, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
141. Reminders in Scripture that convict me of my sin and remind me to cling to God's truth.
142. God's faithfulness even when I am weak and fail.
143. Wonderful ladies at church who prepare and oversee the food and setup for our church picnic.
144. Opportunities to catch up with people at our church picnic.
145. Help with Nathan during Sunday School so I can teach and Michael can participate in Sunday School.
146. Encouragement from others to Michael about his sermons.
147. A fun hymn sing with our church family.
148. A growing, healthy boy who had a good report at his 9 month appointment.
149.  Nathan not experiencing any side effects from the shots he had at his appointment.
150.  For Nathan's ability to bounce back and play happily and be joyful even after 3 shots and a finger prick.
151. Trees changing to a beautiful red color.
152. Hearty minestrone soup on a rainy, cool night.
 153. Yummy garlic cheddar biscuits that taste just as good as Red Lobster.

154. A baby boy who laughs at my silly attempts to make him giggle and laugh.
155. Watching Nathan explore new places in the house as he begins to crawl-the windowsill and blinds, the hallway, the floor in the bathroom and dining room, the wood floor by our front door.

156. Watching Nathan crawl for the first time, as I have been watching him try and figure it out for the past month:)
157. A great, simple, apple pie recipe from Pinterest made with crescent rolls, cinnamon, sugar, a little butter, and apple slices.  They were so yummy!!
158. Playing "Where is Mommy?" with Nathan and listening to him squeal and laugh and having so much fun!
159. Finding and trying so many delicious, new recipes.
160. Watching Nathan flip through books on his own, looking at all the pictures.
161. A lovely, new dining room set that arrived this week.
162. Lovely, sunny afternoons sitting outside with Nathan and Lacy.
163. Watching Nathan strain his neck to look up and watch the birds in the sky.
164. The funny expression on Nathan's face as he took a leap of faith and crawled into the grass.
165. Seeing how excited Nathan is at being able to crawl all around the house.
166. Playing a game with Nathan where I hide behind the chair and he comes and finds me by crawling through a small space between the chair and the wall.
167. Strength when I am weary and not feeling well.
168. Reminders in Scripture about looking to the Lord for contentment and joy.
169. Good deals on some new clothes for Nathan.
170. A husband who graciously serves me by caring for Nathan so I could rest when I was not feeling well and that so willingly helps me around the house.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Celebrating 9 months of Baby Nathan!

It is hard to believe that my little boy is already 9 months old!  I remember thinking about what it would be like when he got to be a little older and more mobile because in those first couple months, it seems as though they will stay little forever.  While I would love to slow down time a bit, I have to say that I do love watching him grow and develop.  It is has been so much fun to watch him go through so many different stages and what a blessing it has been to see all these things firsthand.  It is such a blessing to stay home with him each day!  

This month has been a month of firsts!  All month long, he was trying so hard to crawl.  He would go a little bit and then he would fall flat on his belly and just start scooting on his belly.  He was able to get anywhere he wanted and get anything he wanted, so why switch it up?!  In the last couple days, he has finally started crawling more and I think he is discovering it is much easier and faster:)  

He has also started clapping his hands, which has been so fun!  Within a week of learning to clap his hands, he was able to do it on command, so I definitely loved saying, "Clap your hands" and watching him light up with excitement as he cheerfully clapped away.  Now, if he hears other people clapping, he joins in.  

Another first was that he started saying "Uh-oh!"  At first, I thought it was just a fluke, but then I realized he was repeating me as I would say it.  Then, he started saying it all the time-when things drop, when things are out of reach, or whenever he wants:)  

He also learned to sit up by himself from a laying down position.  He has had such a great time with this new skill.  He practiced all the time in the crib, on the floor, or in the pack n play.  He thought it was the most amazing thing!  The next first was learning to pull up in his crib.  He only consistently does it by pulling up on his knees, but he has stood a couple of times, so I know it is coming soon!  He now likes to pull up on the couch and the windowsill and is so excited that he can reach up to Lacy on the couch now.  

One new game that we play is when he is in his crib, I get on the floor below the crib, out of Nathan's sight.  I say, "Where's mommy?" and he thinks it is so funny and pulls up and looks for me over the edge of the crib. He starts giggling when he sees me and then we do it all over again.  

Other things he enjoys doing are playing outside, on a blanket, in the grass, watching Lacy and pulling up pieces of grass.  One day this past week, we were out there and he noticed the birds flying in the sky and he strained his neck to look up at them and watch them.  It was so sweet!  

He also loves to pet Lacy and play with her paws.  Lacy is a great sport!  Nathan took his first plane ride to Texas this month and he did great!  I was so thankful that he did so well!  He also loves reading!  Hop on Pop is his favorite book right now.  

He also attended his first church picnic!

I have also included some fun pictures of Nathan being silly, eating Cheerios for the first time, playing, and smiling.

Nathan continues to bring us joy and delight each day, and we are so thankful for him!:)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

An Interview with Grandad Owens-Part 3

8. When did you come to know the Lord?
I was raised in a Methodist church.  I came to know the Lord when I was 12 through the influence of a Sunday School teacher and my mother.  I was not immersed in baptism, though, until I joined a Baptist church with your grandmother in Gonzalez, Texas.

9. Overview of Life
I joined the service at the end of my junior year in college.  I was part of the Air Force Band and was stationed in Waco, Texas  for 3 years, 1942-1945.  My best friend, Leon, was in the Air Force with me.  We never got split up during our time in the service.  After I completed my time in the service, I went back to LSU and finished my senior year.  Around 1943 or 1944, your grandmother finished college at Eastman and began her first teaching job.  Her first job was in Port Arthur, Texas, and she was paid $1200 a year.  

When I finished my degree at LSU, we began looking for places to study for our masters degrees.  We looked into North Texas University but decided not to go there because they did not offer fellowships to married couples.  We ended up going to Baylor because they did offer the fellowships for married couples.  I began teaching as a Assistant Band Director and Mae taught some method classes. 

 In 1948, we finished our masters degrees and then moved to Gonzalez.  We were in Gonzalez from 1948-1952.  Your dad was born in 1950.  During our time there, I taught band and your grandmother taught choir and orchestra.  We moved to Marshall in 1952 and were there until 1960.  Barry and Tim were born here.  During this time, Mae stayed home with the boys. 

 In 1960, we moved to Amarillo and I began teaching band and orchestra at Sam Houston School.  Mae and I also played in The Amarillo Symphony.  We lived in Amarillo until 1967 and then got an offer to start teaching at some summer music camps.  Through our connections at these music camps, we were offered positions to teach at Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, TX.  I taught there until 1981 and Mae taught there until 1979.  She played in a Faculty String Quartet during her time there.  During our time in Abilene, we left the Baptist church we were attending because we were hungry for the Word, so we started attending Abilene Bible Church.  We got involved in Bible Memory Association and we all started memorizing Scripture verses each week.  The boys memorized verses according to their ages and then a man would come over and listen to us recite our verses.  The Lord used that to instill the Word in us.  While living in Abilene, we began teaching at Interlochen, a music camp in Michigan, during the summers.  In 1981, I moved into full time church ministry at a little church in Abilene.  I was the music and education minister.  

In 1983, we moved back to Amarillo and I started working at Temple Baptist as their education pastor.  I would lead and coordinate Bible studies.  I resigned from there in 1988.  In 1988, I became the part-time education pastor at Trinity Baptist Church.  I did that for about 2-3 years.  Mae and I also got involved in children's work, where we would do backyard Bible clubs through Child Evangelism Fellowship.  Mae was very involved.  She did most of the teaching.  We would hold these clubs in apartment complexes around the city.  

Part 4 coming soon!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

An Interview with Grandad Owens-Part 2

5. How did you meet Grandmom Owens?
I was good friends with Grandmom's brother, Leon.  We met in second grade and Mae was 2-3 years younger.  All growing up, I didn't pay much attention to Mae; I just played with Leon.  As we got older, Leon and I started playing trumpet duets and Mae played the piano for us.  We played these duets in churches, but it was not religious music at all.  It was polkas and fun music that we played for their special music.  When I became interested in Mae, it was very hard to ask her out because we had grown up together.  We never single dated.  We always dated in groups, 3-4 couples.  There was so much accountability-not like today where everyone single dates all the time.  We used to go to a root beer place a lot.  We would order one huge root beer and all put straws in it and it was gone quick!  We didn't think anything about it.  It was all fun.

6. Tell me about your proposal to Grandmom.
Mae was home from Eastman on a break and I was in the service, stationed in Waco.  Your Grandmom lived in Franksten.  I hitchhiked back to Franksten and asked her to marry me.  

7. When and where did you get married?
Mae and I married on July 14, 1945 at First Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.  We have no pictures from our wedding because everything was rationed out due to the war and photographers were very scarce.  We went to New Orleans on our honeymoon.  We borrowed my dad's 1940 Ford and drove to Shreveport, Lousiana and stayed there the first night.  It cost $8.50 to stay in a hotel that night.  We then continued on to New Orleans the next day.  On the drive down, we used stamps for gasoline instead of money.  

Just as a side note, while I was visiting, I found one of my grandmother's old Bibles and in it, I found  letter she had written to my grandfather on Father's Day in 1988.  To capture the love they felt for each other, I thought I would share a quote by Helen Steiner Rice that was included in the letter.
"For love is unselfish, giving more than it takes, and no matter what happens love never forsakes. It's trustful and faithful and always believing, guileless and honest and never deceiving...Yes, love is beyond what man can define, for love is immortal and God's Gift is Divine!
My grandparents were married 54 years before my grandmother went to be with Jesus.

Part 3 coming soon!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Interview with Grandad Owens-Part 1

On September 19, 2012, I had the opportunity to sit down with my Grandad, Bill Owens, who is 90 years old and talk to him about his life.  Our discussion ranged from childhood memories, life's journeys through jobs, kids, and ministry, to favorite Bible passages, marriage, and parenting.  It was a wonderful time of learning more about my grandparents' lives and I am excited to be able to share what I learned.

1.  What are your favorite Scripture passages?
Isaiah 41:10-Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Proverbs 3:5-6-Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
I John 5:11-12-And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
Matthew 6:33-But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Ephesians 2:8-9-For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
John 16:24-Until now you have asked nothing in my name.  Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. 

2.  What is your favorite book of the Bible?  Why?  
Ephesians because of the promises in it.

3.  What are some fun childhood memories?
I was in a trumpet quartet and I took lessons from my band director.  The four of us boys were the band director's "pets."  We spent every Saturday practicing at his house and then we would hit the swimming hole for some fun afterwards.  I never knew any different than spending all day Saturday practicing and hanging out with my friends.  

Another memory was the Texas State Fair in 1936 in Dallas.  The trumpet quartet played 4-5 different shows and we were able to spend all day at the fair.  We ended the day playing at the "Streets of Paris," an open air theater with streets coming off of it like spokes of a wheel.  Some of the songs we played for our shows included, "The World's Waiting for the Sunrise" and "Roses of Pickerdee."  The songs we played were corny, but people enjoyed it.  We were not allowed to go down the streets coming off the open air theater because of inappropriate things going on.  

4.  Did you play any sports?
Yes, I played tennis.  My best friend Leon played also.  Every afternoon, I would play tennis.  At one point, I had a girlfriend named Virginia Andrews who played the C melody saxophone.  It was a huge saxophone and not many people played it.  Each afternoon, I would carry it home for her, then go home, get my bike, and go play tennis.  I went on to play tennis at LSU; however, I couldn't play until my sophomore year.  Freshman were not allowed to play.  

Stay tuned for more of the interview in a later post:)

"Praise and Thanksgiving" from The Valley of Vision

In preparation for an upcoming women's event at my church, I was reading through some of the prayers in the book, The Valley of Vision.  I came across this one, "Praise and Thanksgiving" and thought it perfectly described the heart of thanksgiving we should have for the many blessings the Lord grants us each day.

Praise and Thanksgiving

O my God,
Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects,
my heart admires, adores, loves thee,
for my little vessel is as full as it can be,
and I would pour out all that fullness before thee in ceaseless flow.
When I think upon and converse with thee
ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,
ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed,
ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart,
crowding into every moment of happiness.
I bless thee for the soul thou hast created,
for adorning it, sanctifying it,
though it is fixed in barren soil; 
for the body thou hast given me,
for preserving its strength and vigour,
for providing senses to enjoy delights,
for the ease and freedom of my limbs,
for hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding;
for thy royal bounty providing my daily support,
for a full table and overflowing cup,
for appetite, taste, sweetness,
for social joys of relatives and friends,
for ability to serve others,
for a heart that feels sorrows and necessities,
for a mind to care for my fellow-men,
for opportunities of spreading happiness around,
for loved ones in the joys of heaven,
for my own expectation of seeing thee clearly.
I love thee above the powers of language to express,
for what thou art to thy creatures.

Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reflections from Romans 5:1-11

"The salvation we have in Christ is a 'many-splendored thing,' a diamond with countless brilliant facets."
~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Romans 5:1-11
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.  For one will scarcely die for a righteous person-though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.  Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.  For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.  More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.  

Spiritual blessings and gifts from God from this passage:
1. The justification that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
2. Peace with God through Jesus Christ.
3. The grace of God, in which we daily stand.
4. Hope in the glory of God, now and forevermore. 
5. God's love, which has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit.
6. We should rejoice in times of suffering because it produces endurance, which leads to character, which ultimately leads to hope.
7. Christ died on the cross for unworthy sinners. 
8. We have been justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.
9. We have been saved from the wrath of God.
10. We have been reconciled to God by the death of his Son. 

The words of the following song seem appropriate in capturing the gratitude that should come to those who know Christ-"Jesus, Thank You!"

The mystery of the cross I cannot comprehend
The agonies of Calvary
You the perfect Holy One, crushed Your Son
Who drank the bitter cup reserved for me 

Your blood has washed away my sin
Jesus, thank You
The Father’s wrath completely satisfied
Jesus, thank You
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table
Jesus, thank You

By Your perfect sacrifice I’ve been brought near
Your enemy You’ve made Your friend
Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace
Your mercy and Your kindness know no end 

Lover of my soul
I want to live for You

Lessons from Proverbs

For the past few months, my husband, Michael, has been going through a broad overview of the Old Testament.  A couple weeks ago, he went through Proverbs.  Seeing that it is a wisdom book, there are several truths that resonated with me.

1.  Be teachable-Wisdom isn't so much about what you already know as your humility in continuing to learn.
2. Fear the Lord-Live life in relation to who God is.
3. Wisdom is knowledge in action.
4. Wisdom comes from God.
5.  A sluggard is distracted rather than diligent; he wastes opportunity after opportunity.  He tends to want an easier life, rather than one spent on doing good.
6. The wise person sees life as an opportunity for displaying God through productive and meaningful work.
7. Proverbs is filled not only with the parents' provision of the children's practical needs but also the provision of the children's spiritual needs.
8. We must teach our children, which includes correction and discipline. (Proverbs 19)
9. Use your words carefully.
Proverbs 13:3-Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.
Proverbs 17:27-Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
Proverbs 25:11-A word aptly spoken, is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
10. Wisdom is found through listening to the words of others.  Listening should be given priority over speaking.
Proverbs 1:8-Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching.
11. Wisdom begins with fearing the Lord and is then displayed through right living before others through Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 1:7-The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 24:3-By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
12.  Being a godly woman, wife, and mother (Proverbs 31)
"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." (31:10)
"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." (31:28)
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." (31:30)

Many things to ponder and pray over as I strive to live each day in the fear of the Lord.

*Many of these notes on Proverbs are from Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Monday, September 24, 2012

God's Good Gifts-Part 3

"Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name."  Hebrews 13:15

The past few weeks have provided an abundance of opportunities to give thanks, so here is my attempt to capture as many as I can remember.

81. For the Lord graciously providing a time for my parents, Nathan, and I to go visit my Grandad.  
82. For wonderful family friends who looked up flight information and provided buddy passes for all of us to fly to Texas.
83. For the Lord working out the finances for our trip and for keeping the expenses within our means.
84. Safety in travel during flights and driving time to and from Texas.
85. For the Lord allowing us to always get on flights, as we flew stand-by each time.
86. For my parents' help with Nathan all throughout the week.
87. For the Lord sustaining my Grandad so we could have a wonderful visit with him.
88. Watching Nathan clap his hands on command.
89. For the Lord graciously working out a time to interview my Grandad and learn about his life, relationship with the Lord, and marriage to my Grandmom.
90. Great coffee each morning that provided just the boost I needed.
91. Watching my Grandad laugh as Nathan repeatedly kicked his legs on the floor.
92. Getting to talk and get to know my step-grandmother, Bettie, better.
93. Watching my husband tear up as he read through a book of messages from friends, family, and church members that I made him in celebration of his 30th birthday.
Michael looking through his book of messages.

94. For Nathan flying so well on 3 flights!  he played, laughed, talked, ate, slept, and studied the people all around him.

95. Taking a walk with my dad and Nathan and seeing my grandparents old house-the one I visited all growing up.
96. Getting to have dinner and and enjoy a visit with my Uncle Barry and Aunt Francene.
97. Gift cards to Olive Garden so we could go out and celebrate Michael's 30th birthday.
98. Hearing my husband say that the book of messages and pictures he got for his birthday was the best gift he ever received.
99. Hearing Nathan say, "Uh-oh," after he dropped toys to the ground.  Initially, he mimicked me saying it after he dropped a toy on the floor.  Then, he started saying it on his own.
100. Receiving a Shutterfly photo book in the mail from fun summer memories.
101. Getting to skype with Dave, Anna, and Harper and watching Harper crawl all over the house, crawl all over the couch, and climb up on the couch all by herself.
102. Watching Nathan dance to his take along tunes.
103. Wonderful breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with Grandad and Bettie.
104. A fun outing to Chickfila with my grandparents.
105. Hearing my Grandad say he heard my grandmother quote over 500 Bible verses during their marriage.  It brought tears to my eyes.
106. Finding one of my grandmother's old Bibles, completely marked up from her study of the Word.

107. Getting to keep my Grandmother's bible and having the opportunity to learn more about her walk with the Lord.
108. Reading the sweet letters and funny stories people sent to Michael for his birthday.
109. A Chai tea after a 3 am wake up call and 2 flights with a sweet boy.
110. Seeing my husband in the airport after several days apart.
111. Coming home to my sweet dog Lacy.
112. Church people watching out for Michael while I was gone and taking him out for some good dinners.
113. Yummy, cherry/blueberry cobbler made by my Grandma Bettie.
114. Pretty Edible Arrangements to enjoy.
115. Hearing Michael preach the Word faithfully each week.
116. A new couple visiting our church.
117. Beautiful, cool 70 degree days.
118. Fun times and great conversations with my parents.
119. Watching Nathan prop up his feet on the same stool my Grandad was propping his feet on.

120. Arriving home to a perfectly clean house, thanks to my husband.
121. Fun birthday celebrations with Michael-pancake breakfast, singing "Happy Birthday" at church, sub sandwiches for lunch, and birthday cake.
122. Nathan burping loudly during a hymn sing at church and everyone turning and laughing.
123. Watching my dad and Nathan lying on their backs playing and talking on the floor.
124. Watching Nathan enjoy his first bath in the big bathtub.

125. Help carrying bags off the plane by a kind girl sitting next to us.
126. The Lord providing a rest area right when we needed it and beautiful landscape to look at and enjoy. 

127. Hearing Nathan say the new sound, "Na, na, na, na."
128. A great Groupon deal that will provide a fun family outing in the coming weeks to pick pumpkins and go on a hayride.
129. Watching my Grandad hold and enjoy Nathan, something I will always cherish.

"Beyond the tiny piece of horizon you can see from this momentary time and place-God's glory and grace will be seen even more brightly, as a result of your willingness to say with the psalmist, 'I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth' (Psalm 34:1)." ~Nancy Leigh DeMoss